I *heart* Rush...except for the chicken thing

May 04, 2008 00:10

We went to see Rush in concert tonight. Brent is a huuuuuuuge Rush fan, and I like them, although part of my fondness for Rush is a nostalgia thing. There was a group of guys in band in high school who loved Rush, so it always reminds me of them, and what great guys they were. Anyway, Brent has always said that if Rush ever does a show here, we'll definitely go. So a couple of months ago, he found out they were coming, and he's been really looking forward to this show. With as much pain as I've been having in my right hip and knee, I was a little worried, but I figured if worse came to worse, I could sit and enjoy the music, even if I couldn't "see" them.

Most people on my flist know that Brent is 6'10". So, when we got to our seats, the people behind us were not thrilled to see who would be in front of them, especially since the concert had already started, and everyone was on their feet. Brent always gets seats at the end of the row, so there's more room, so he was kind of standing in the aisle, so that he wouldn't block the people behind us. A security guard came up and wanted him to move, because she didn't want the aisle blocked, probably because of fire codes. Brent explained that he was trying not to block the people behind us, and the guard finally let him stand in the aisle, as long as there was room to go past him. But, after a while, she noticed that he wasn't able to be with me during the concert, so she got another security guard to come upgrade our seats. They moved us over to the "disabled seating," which is on the side, but further up, so we ended up with a fantastic view of the stage. and I could sit and even prop my foot up on the railing in front of us, which helped make me a little more comfortable. The guard who escorted us over there said to Brent, "I see your wife is kind of having a hard time, so this will probably be better for her anyway." It was just so nice!

Rush put on a great show. In my opinion, Rush is all about Neil Peart, and then there's two other guys who play guitar and bass while Neil is awesome. So it was exciting to see him live, because he's just phenomenal. I can verify that he only has two arms and two legs, and yet he manages to do things on the drums that are just astounding. He did a solo that was great, and then I gained a new appreciation for the other two guys during the rest of the songs. They're all just really talented. The only thing that I didn't really get was that there were three big rotisserie chicken ovens on stage, and a repeating "chicken" theme, and I just didn't understand it. At one point, a guy in a chicken suit came out and checked on the chicken inside the ovens. Yeah, I just don't know.