It's been a while..

Sep 29, 2002 11:50

Wow, I haven't updated in forever.

Sorry, I have 4 journals.. all for different purposes.. and yes. Hard to keep up when you're procrastinatory and lazy like me.

Anyway. School is decent. I have All A's in my classes. American History is hard work. Algebra 2 is impossible. Latin 2 is amusing. Choir is stupidyayfun. End.

I really really want this game and this game. Really, really. Like, alotalot. s'Too bad they're not even out yet.

I also want to go see Tuck Everlasting because it's going to be a fantastic movie.. primarily because it was a fantastic book. etc.

fuzzytangerine is totally moving to Texas. I'm so excited. Except that she needs to HURRY UP. Urgh. I hate being patient. I lack that virtue, alotof the time.

I made a short list of current amusements.

Current Amusements:

- trabblescrabble
- the line game
- really bad "nut" puns
- Perpendicular Agreement
- Rap songs about car safety! ("Stay out of the no zones! *wika wika*)
- puer magnus
- Divine Inter...breeding
- bugphobias
- horrible typos

.. among other things.

Anyway. 'The Scientist' by Coldplay is actually a cool song. You should give it a listen. *nods*.

I've completely reverted to geekdrome. (not a word? what?) I ditched contacts and went back to glasses, because really, contacts are the biggest pain in the arse. I couldn't stand them anymore. My hair is also longer and stupider, too.

I reallyreally don't have anything to talk about.

OH! I can drive a lot better now. I even had to parallel park on my last drive-with-the-instructor. And I passed! Horray.

Now! Next time I'll try and be more interesting.
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