What dreams may come

May 18, 2006 11:01

Ever had a dream that was anxiety provoking or terrifying while you were dreaming...but then you wake up and realize that it was kind of lame...yet something about the dream puts you in a foul mood for a the first few waking hours?

I had one last night. It was terrible while it was happening. I imagine that I was tossing and turning and being generally unhappy...so much so that I startled myself awake. I sat up in a sweat and was shaking a bit. Then I thought about the dream and realized it was STUPID.

Here is the dream:

I was on a bus to radiology camp (yep, radiology camp) with residents from all around the country. It was a little like the Duke Review that I went to...except at a camp in the woods. Holly Marie Combs (from Charmed) was a friend of mine in the dream and she freaked me out because she had brought a three volume set of molecular neurophysiology to read while at the pool (which was a big dirt pit surrounded by gravel, but no water). So I went to the library (yep, the camp had a library) and the libray was packed with residents studying for boards. (Here is the part that got me upset...) I went to the water fountain to get a drink and someone had just flushed a toilet, so the water pressure was low and I couldnt drink. There was a funny looking fountain right next to it so I hit the pedal and water shot out all over the library, ruining everyones books and notes. Turns out that I had turned on an inverted fire sprinkler. All of the other residents glared at me and started calling me stupid and so forth. This one particular guy said that I was an idiot and should just go home. People started handing me disparaging notes as they walked out snickering - "Dumbass" written on a piece of notebook paper, etc. I remember telling one of the counselors that I didnt need to take that kind of abuse and that I would stay for 3 days and if things were better, I was leaving. She put her arm around me and tried to make me feel better, but I just kept getting more upset...then I woke up.

There is nothing about the dream that is particularly freaky or scary. No death or pestilence. No mutilation or pets running away. No family or friends getting sick. But for some reason, my dream has put me in a funk...and it is still lingering - 4 hours after.

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