Feb 18, 2007 22:34
So, on this message in a bottle theme i always have wanted to write my worst fears and thoughts and put them in that bottle that i think really counts as heaven for anyone who doesn't out right believe in god. they believe in a void, sort of. they have a need for the void to want them back. and what is closer to an open void than the depths of the ocean? so you throw out every thought you have. all you've said, regretted, hoped, dreamed, what you wish you had said... yes. what you wish you had said. so that void hears everything you have. everything that makes you a human and in need of something to reach back out to your thoughts. take them, consume them. destroy them. pass them along to anything that feels the same. And then that person questions whether this extraordinary bottle on the shore with its almost destructed form. means that there is something out there in the void. there's someone exactly like him. someone who connects all of human life with one little thought of someone brave enough to empy their spirit into the void we call the ocean.