con report

Mar 01, 2004 10:26

Back from the con, still a little sleep-deprived, but mostly doing well. Here's a quick summary of good and bad things that happened:

- We got about 150 more people than last year, making for about 350 guests total. Not bad for a con with no hotels in a ten mile radius.
- All the girls liked the Yaoi Room. A lot.
- The gaming room was packed.
- We got a lot of good feedback.
- The walkie-talkies were a really good idea.
- We got some good sponsors.
- SakuraCon staff showed up to help out a while.
- Karaoke Revolution was...amusing.... :3
- Some of our volunteers were extra-super helpful, especially when I had to crash for a while.
- It was all just really fun in general, and a lot better than last year.

- The dance was a bomb.
- Someone stole one of the most worthless games from the gaming room... They could have stolen one of the newer games, but they stole one of our volunteer's old, crappy ones. Whatever. >_>;
- Someone took and entire Costco bag of rice crackers from the food room.
- A lot of volunteers flaked out when they got too tired, but mostly I'm just pissed at the ones who were boastfully responsible and then skipped out 30 minutes before the end to avoid cleanup. Everyone else was hungry too, but we stayed. Suck it up, you jerks.
- My Hiragana workshop never happened because my voice went out.
- Certain people didn't come through with certain things- namely, the person who was supposed to give us Go never showed up, and the person who was supposed to get us Battle Royale II totally flaked. Also, Grace flaked on her workshop because she couldn't pry herself away from the yaoi room long enough to get sleep, so she was too tired to pull it off. ^^;
- Vash's computer crapped out just before regular Karaoke, so Karaoke didn't happen.

I figure this con went really well, considering it was my first year as coordinator with no training and we were better organized and got better turnout than last year. I have a lot of good ideas on how to improve next year, inculding earlier starting times, better-organized volunteers, and just generally not letting certain people do/be in charge of certain things EVER. But even with all out little fuck-ups, it was fun...

...even the part where I fractured my tail-bone. XD; Yes, that's right, ladies and gentlemen! Zee has damaged a bone for the first time in her life! We were fighting with PVC/foam swords in the lobby, and whoever it was that I had on the run decided to attach themselves to my legs so I couldn't move, right when Dru was coming up behind me to tickle me, results predictable. I fell on my ass.

I felt something snap and joked to Dru through laughter that she broke my tail-bone, but I didn't really believe it, because I figured it would, you know, hurt more. XD; It started hurting later on, though, and one of our dear campus doctors says it's most likely mildly fractured, though she can't be positive without X-rays. Screw the X-rays, says I (they cost money), since it's pretty much a sure thing anyway. Apparently, there's really nothing else down there that I could damage that would hurt in this particular manner.

Besides, you can't really do much for a tail-bone, so I just have to let it heal and not fall on it anymore. Hmmm, so now I'm sick and my tail-bone's messed up, and both are Dru's fault...O_o; *creeps slowly away from Dru*

Right. Anyway, now I get to go sort out our club's budget and clean our office from the Chibi Chibi Con debris. Plus, I get to submit an event report, organize our binder, do a bunch of other annoying stuff, etc. So I'm out of here again for now, I'll see you all later!

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