For those of you who are wondering, everything is sorted out with the wallet theft. Cards are canceled and replaced (or on their way), I ordered a new wallet from a seller on Etsy, and I have an appointment with the DMV (booo) to get a new drivers license. :) Everything's hunky-dory!
And did you know that today is a holiday for
half the world's population?! Seriously, it's like, Good Friday, Purim, Narouz, and a ridiculous number of other holidays, and this is the only time in 2,000 years (maybe more), when they all converge on the same day.
Therefore, I proclaim today HOLY SHIT day, when even us non-religious folk should celebrate fantastically because, um, holy shit. If it's already a holiday for a full half of us, the rest of us should just give up and join in! We should celebrate by eating baked goods, watching B-grade horror movies, and playing Wario Ware with our friends on the nearest available Wii.
It's official. Get partying!