(no subject)

Apr 15, 2008 15:34

I finally did an adayinmylife! YAY!

* * *

Hey, I'm Red. Twenty years old and studying.living in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire in England. On Monday the 14th of April, my boyfriend and I found ourselves with a day off from our respective jobs, so we decided to amuse ourselves in town! It was the best day in a while and I took over 400 photos, but here is the cut version of

Monday begins much earlier than it normally does. It's the last week of my month long Easter break and I've been terrible and slept until the afternoon most days.

There's a boy in my bed!
This is distracting, so instead of getting up we kill some hours with taking photos of my messy room and snuggling. Aww.

Mark checks BBC News for the zillionth time (it's an obsession!) whilst I mess around with my camera. I was excited about finally doing a DITL!

Holding a camera whilst taking teeth brushing photos is hard without a third arm. You guys have skillz.
I look like a monkey!

I contemplate what's left of the digestive biscuit "cake" for breakfast whilst Mark plays Bop It. He's gradually getting better at it and I'm apprehensive that he's going to beat my highscore. He must be stopped!

Eventually we leave the house. It's so sunny outside that my photos turn pale and contrasty. My camera isn't used to sun; it usually rains all the time here! We pop into Sainsburys for a bit and I battle my urge to buy clothes. For a Supermarket, Sainsburys clothes are pretty nice!

Bus, bus bus. I like the northern buses up here; they're all green and purple! I listen to my trusty eighty gig', Veta. I can't get the Pokemon Rap out of my head! Charmeleon, WARTORTLE! Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl! I have no shame.

After fifteen minutes we arrive in Hanley. Stoke-on-Trent is weird, it consists of about five towns. We head to the first and most important place of our journey into Hanley... Pieminister!

Pieminister make the yummiest pies ever. Mark has a "Moo Pie" (Beef, Ale, Apples and such) and I have a "Heidi Pie" with goats cheese, sweet potato, onion and carrots. Delicious! If you're ever in Hanley, check it out! =)

Some of the Feedback forms are funny. We submitted this one last time we ate there and it's displayed on one of the boards. Another customer had written "Your pies are made of win!!". TRUFAX.

Mark and I are on a mission: To raid the charity shops of the city in search for a second hand Scrabble board.
Ourselves and our friends are kinda obsessed with it at the moment, everyone's playing each other at "Scrabulous" on Facebook!
We get a bit cooler later, I promise!

... Well, Mark doesn't. He buys a pink tie for £1.50 which he likes and I think is horrible!

As we pass this letterbox, Mark tells me that tourists can be fascinated by this symbol of British life and take photographs with them, so here you go foreigners, a special double letterbox for you ;)

Mmm, cheap child labour. I guess I should feel guilty at supporting such a crappy company, but the clothes are so affordable! Pssh. Amazingly though, I don't buy anything. Mark buys a yellow and purple striped woman's 8-10 jumper for £2. Today is a good day for terrible clothes purchases! I take one photo inside the shop before an employee tells me (rudely) that I'm not allowed to take any photos in the store. Whhhhy?

On to Iceland for cheap bread. We're going to feed the ducks!

Tegan and Sara make the bus journey pass by quickly. I seem to live with permanent musical background noise!

Does exactly what it says on the sign :)

There was a playground! Okay, forget the lovely scenery, this is the real reason I wanted to go to the park. I take photos of Mark spinning on the one person roundabout thing, but it's not in the frame so he just looks odd!

I'm spinning. Woooah! Mark looked a bit like a creepy pedophile in his big grey coat.

Throughout the day the weather had managed to go from really sunny to raining to just... dull! The lake still looked pretty cool though.

This was a weird looking duck thing, but it could catch bread in it's beak when I threw bits in the air. I wanted to ducknap it!

We got totally mobbed by pigeons, mutant ducks and angry canada geese. I'm twenty but animals are still a fascinating novelty!

Walking home. I managed to capture all the nicer bits of Stoke throughout the day. Crafty!

Mark and I get home and my housemates Steven and Helen are home, along with David who is living with us for a week as he has a resit exam and there's no-one else at his house. They make me do my share of the washing up, bah! :)

David immediately tries to make our television work! We never bothered to tune it as we only really watch DVDs; we're not really television people. David brough his Wii with him! Now I can kick his butt at Pokemon Snap >:)

Mark puts on his purchases. Ummm...
The jumper wasn't too bad really, although I'm very jealous of him - he's the skinniest boy in the world!

We chill out for a few hours, drinking, laptopping and watching My Family. We're excited - we're going out to The Club, the only proper gay bar in Stoke. It was our second home in our first year, but we haven't been so much recently. Gaytiem nao please!

Mark leaves to go home (he's doesn't even remotely enjoy clubs) and the boys do their hair. Steven looks drunk already!

The taxi beeps outside our house and we grab our money, membership cards and keys and head out.

We're here! I completely forgot to take photos until we were inside and ordering drinks. Mondays and Fridays are "free bar" nights, so we each paid £7 at the door and drinks were free after that!

We bump into various people we know; Millionaire Tom, Pete, Mak and Kash and Colin.

... And so people we don't know!

Pitchers are drank...

And shots are... shotted? shat? They have funky names like Roadkill, Creme Egg and Twinkle Twat.
The latter was disgusting.

We had quite a few!

Steven spilt drink down his tshirt. Tom and David look disgusted!

There was a guy there who had cut massive slits in the back of his jeans... In the worst possible places. Every time he bent over we could see his balls!

This photo represents our reaction to seeing complete stranger's testicles.

99% of our photos are of unsmiling drunk people. Why don't we look happy??

We are though; we stay at The Club until around three before going to Pink for drinks we actually had to pay for.
By this time I was completely wasted and have no recollection of what happened next, but apparently we stayed there for a while then caught a taxi home and I tried to order a pizza but called Steven instead, before going upstairs to be sick and fall asleep in my bed.

And that was a day in my life!
*runs off to nurse hangover*

photos, adiml

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