may all your globes be golden

Jan 17, 2011 16:13

So, I stayed up and watched the Golden Globes last night and BLAH! I am kinda pissed. Chris Colfer did not deserve that award. Kurt is basically a Chris/Ryan self insert and how hard is it to play yourself? And Glee didn't really deserve to win Best Show... The Big Bang Theory did. But hey, I knew it was going to win and I like that it won for the simple fact that I love the ridiculously large cast storming the stage. I thought it was funny last year, this year it was hillarious. Jane Lynch deserved her award though, mostly because she's Jane Lynch. I am so so so happy that Jim Parsons won Best Actor, he so deserved it and I am posting the vid of his acceptance speach because it's epic. And Kaley being all squee is adorable.

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