i got into a car accident today. all i wanted was a fucking waterice from Rita‘s. is that too much to ask for? i didn’t think it was.. but obviously i thought wrong. so i was pulling into Rita’s water ice, when this mexican was trying to pull out, and he slammed right into my car. i was like in shock. so the fucker was about to try and pull away, and im like flipping out yelling out the window to get his ass out of the car while i call the cops. then some guy comes over and he’s like, “do you need me to call the cops for you?” so im like “no i have my cellphone..” i was so pissed off i didn’t even know who to call.. so the guy told me to call 911. so i did. and the mexican is just standing by my car like he doesn’t even give a shit. so Alli’s like, “dude do you have insurance?” and he shakes his head no. fucking figures. Noah was there and he came over to talk to me. i couldn’t stop shaking. and i was so scared to look at my car to see how bad it was damaged.. because the guy hit me pretty hard. so then after i got off the phone with the cops, i called my dad and he was like so pissed off and drove out there right away. everyone was asking me if i was okay.. and i just started crying cos i didn’t know what else to do. i called kaitlyn, and she came out there with ashley and natalie to comfort me. then kris, blair, and lauren rolled up. then my mom and brother. then mike carter. it was nuts. i had the whole posse there to support me. my dad was like “get out of the car and walk around” but i told him i couldnt cos i was scared to see what my car looked like. alli and noah said it was pretty bad.. and everyone elses faces told me it was pretty bad, although they said it wasn’t. i knew they were lying. the cops questioned me and the other guy and all that shit.. the mexican couldn’t speak english. go figure. the cops said there was probably nothing he could do about it.. and i was flipping out cos i think its so fucked up that mexicans can get away with that shit, and i’m going to get all the shit for it when i did NOTHING wrong. people who are on the road turning into a parking lot have the right away.. NOT the people in the parking lot trying to get out. so of course my insurance is going to go up and the mexican gets away with it all. my parents were like “well try to open the door to see if it will open..” so i tried, and guess what?? MY FUCKING DOOR DOESN’T OPEN! so now i have to climb in through the passenger side. you have no idea how fucking upset i am. i finally looked at it 3 hous later, and i was in shock. it looks so bad. i don’t have the money to get it fixed so i dunno what i’m going to do... the cop was real nice about everything. after he got all the information about the mexicans car.. he found out that the car IS registered and its NOT the mexicans car. its someone elses. so hopefully the car has insurance too and it will pay for all the damage he did to my car. i have the WORST headache in the world and i am still shaking.
my final note...
by the way, thanks to all my friends who were there to comfort me: Alli, Kaitlyn, Ashley, Natalie, Kris, Blair, Lauren, Noah, and Carter. i love you guys and i don't know what i'd do without you..