I didn't know I could have so much fun with someone I love

Jul 02, 2004 00:03

...me after wrestling with Chris for about an hour.

So yeah, American History is waaay too stressful. Let's kill it. There's so many papers to write (the 2 tests are essay form, 10 pages each). And homework, stuff to read all that crap. On top of which I add waitressing to make a few dollars and "community service."

There just aren't enough hours in a day for me to do all the things I need to, let alone stuff I want to do. I find myself budgeting time by saying what absolutely has to be done comes first (today- visiting Eve and buying a tape recorder), things that need to be done come next (like homework) if there's time. Everything else is thrown out the window.

I have been really bad about seeing Chris though (like doing it lots more than I should). So, I justify that by bringing work with me. Meh, I'll burn out in two days if I don't force myself to ease up and relax. Plus we've been doing really well the past couple of days.

That's it in the life of Teresa right now. More to come at a later date.

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