Jun 15, 2005 20:40
Last night my Dad wouldn't let me on the internet because he was expecting a call so I wasn't allowed on and hey guess what THEY NEVER CALLED! So My 3 hours of my interenet were thrown away! I was MAD! lol Anywho....around 3 I called Spenser to talk to his Mom and ask her about the tuxes and I got all that info so I have to call ALL the guys back tomorrow! DAMN IT! haha Anywho I had to go to kinko's today so we could fax my Invitation to my godfather for my Quince because they didn't believe he was comeing for that and he was only comming to like stay and live here and we tried to fax him 3 times and it didn't work so we came home and called him and were like WTF? So we wen't back and I did the fax and HA! It worked! I was getting so mad though and after that we cameback home and called him and he's like yea I got it but I was sent 2! Which is werid because we'd get these yellow papers back saying if they got it or not and we did it 4 times and it only said in one paper they got it. It was retarded! Hopefully he'll be able to come if not I won't be like all o0o0o about it because I don't even know the guy so whatever. On our way back their was a car infront of us and it had 2 sickers one saying "Got God?" and than another one saying "Did you thank God today?" I thought about it and I'm just like "No" The only time I thank God is when I have to go to church and when it comes to the part when I eat the bread and drink the wine and I have to pray thats when I thank but other than that I have never ever stoped for on moment in the day to thank him. I'm the religious type at all! I believe in god and everything but I don't do the "things" I "should" do. Like pray everyday...NOPE! Go to church every Sunday...NOPE. Yea I've done "sins" who hasn't? I really feel bad for the religous people at times. Like we've talked about this at lunch and Evan said "Wouldn't it suck if you spent your whole life living after God and when you die you find out their was no god,no heaven, no hell,no nothing?" That would suck major ass but I dunno... I believe in him but I think some of the things that are said and some of the things that we "should" do it just crap...aswell as things to believe. I dunno that sicker made me think. LOL anywho I'm done...D-backs lost today it fucken sucked ass because it was because were retarded! psst! (17 more days)