This week has been up and down all over the place, and I can't remember what happened on what day. I spent the weekend feeling depressed, and didn't get much packing done. Somehow managed to get myself into work on Monday though, and dragged myself in every other day as well, except today (Friday). Work is getting back on track - still behind, but actually being fairly productive and pushing forward, so that's okay.
I ordered a drum kit, because I've always wanted one. Since Connor had one for his birthday and I had a go on it, I decided it was definitely time to get one. I'd thought about getting one the same as he had - it's an electronic kit, so nice and compact, but it only works by plugging it into a computer via USB, and letting software actually produce the sound. I'd prefer to have something that can stand alone, and whilst I did find some cheap-ish kits that could, in the end I went for a name I know to be good, and a decent quality kit.
This is what I got, in the end. It cost me £500, which I really cannot afford, but this is certainly the time to invest in a new hobby. I need something to keep myself occupied, and I will enjoy this.
It should've been delivered by now, but the first time they decided nobody was in and went away, the next day they didn't bother to retry delivery, and so it should have finally arrived today at my parents house. I had it sent there because I'm rarely in during useful delivery times. Mum will bring it over to me tomorrow, so I will be able to play with it then.
I also ordered some CDs, because some artists deserve it. Ordered everything by Counting Crows, a couple of albums by Muse, and will soon be ordering everything by The Wallflowers. Don't know why, really - I already have their music, and it's not like they're going to receive much of the money from the sale anyway, but I kind of like the idea of owning a physical item from these bands.
Lisa has been coming online again lately too, which has been nice. We've barely spoken for several years now, apart from a few odd occasions, but she's been on several times in the last couple of weeks. I find myself feeling close to her again; somehow despite certain... things, which have occurred within my circle of friends, she's always been a good friend to me. She said it's a possibility that she may come down to see us sometime, which I would like. It was about four years ago now that Graham and I went up to Scotland to meet her. Could be... interesting.
Shanna suddenly contacted me and said she would come on Tuesday, for sure. Then sent another message to say it might be Sunday instead. And then sent me another one the next morning to say that actually, she hadn't even bothered to see if she could get the day off work, found she couldn't, and so it would be next Friday instead. Well whatever. I called her to make sure she understood what was left to do, and that she would allow enough time. I told her I would have somebody here, because I don't trust her not to make stupid accusations against me like she already has, so I want someone here as a witness, She then says she wants to bring Mike, for reasons unknown. She's getting driven down here by Chris' father, even though I've told her he's not welcome here, and she thinks he's just going to sit outside. So in all, we'll have me, Shanna, Graham and Mike in here, and Chris' Dad sat outside, all so she can be here just for a few hours and take the last of her stuff away. This is absolutely ridiculous.
She also finally admitted her accusations, however, she said it was a lawyer that told her the term 'domestic violence' was appropriate, despite the fact that no violence is involved. She still thinks I was 'mentally abusive', though could not provide one single example. These accusations too are completely stupid and meaningless, and I hope they are exposed as such very quickly.
As an experiment, just to get a sample of what these places are like before paying for anything, I joined
OkCupid, which is free. I actually really enjoyed answering it's questions and seeing the list of similar people, it's quite an impressive system. By contrast, I signed up to the free portion of an 'real' dating site, supposedly the biggest in the country, and was absolutely disappointed with it's features and indeed it's useless results. OkCupid has not only been a lot more fun, but a lot more productive, so I think I'll stick with it for now. Nobody I send messages to bothers to reply, but I've received messages and had chats with three people who contacted me instead. Looks like the 'my friends always find me' thing isn't just chance, it's compulsory - others ignore me if I try!
Woke up this morning feeling pretty horrible, but probably because I've been barely sleeping the last few nights. Decided not to go to work, but I intend to make it up, probably on Sunday. Spent the first part of the day cleaning instead, so the kitchen is all sparkly now. Spent the rest of it just online, talking to Rachel, mostly.
This is one of the worst-written entries I've produced in a long time. I'm tired, and far too hot. Will update when Shanna has come, as the end of the Betrayal series, and again immediately following it.