
Apr 16, 2006 21:31

I'm tired, very tired, which I'm not sure of the reason for, since I have been sleeping a lot. Making up for last week perhaps whilst I was here alone. I didn't bother relocating to downstairs like I do sometimes, but my style of living always changes a lot when all the regular events of a typical day disappear.

I think I spent most of the week at Cali, but it wasn't as bad as it sounds. The server got a new hard disk, which I didn't expect to help all that much but it seems to have been alright since. We'll see whether it lasts, though. Getting the server set up again took much longer than I thought, almost two full days; I hate setting up Apache with PHP, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin, because they appear to be very particular with versions - only certain combinations will work together, others give very frustrating, hard-to-trace errors or worse just fail silently and refuse to do anything. It's finally sorted though, and we have some plans on how to set up the main and backup servers to prevent problems in the future.

Looking for an easy snack to eat whilst here alone, I returned to an old favourite that I haven't had for years:

I think it was Graham who introduced me to the idea, back when we were still at school. Teh tasty, I think it could be quite a common lunch when I move out. Shame cheese is expensive.

Graham and I tried to get our drink and a caek at the place near my house, but apparently it's now become a 21-bar. No real explanation other than they 'had some trouble from some under-21s', but help, what's really going to be the difference between 18 and 21? If they're the kind of scum you get trouble from, they'll do it regardless of their age. Don't think we'll be going back there again.

Since we'd walked down from Graham's house just to go there, we didn't really want to waste the evening, so we went into the Tesco Express (which I've now renamed Tesco Expensive) and bought caek and alcohol there, along with further supplies of cheese for my waffles. He stayed at my house for a few hours and we watched television and talked about various things. Amusement occured when Graham tried to open a bottle of beer. He asked if I had a bottle opener, but I wasn't sure, so we searched all the kitchen drawers. Didn't find one, but did find this:

The world's smallest whisk. What use is that? As for the task at hand, an adjustable spanner turned out to be the most effective, followed by a knife to finish the job.

Whilst they were away, my family also neglected to cancel the milk deliveries. As there's five of us, we consume quite a lot, but on my own, obviously, I don't. Especially considering I was out a lot of the time, I used very little the entire week, and so by the time they returned home our fridge looked like this:

15½ pints of milk, and one pint of orange juice. My stacking already becoming a little precarious, I don't know what I would have done if any more had arrived. Start selling it to the neighbours, perhaps, at £1 a bottle. I've no idea what it actually costs to have milk delivered, but I'd guess it's probably not as much as that. Or I suppose I could've drunk all the coke to make space for another bottle or two. Not eating the rest of that stuff though - don't know what half of it is.

Shanna's manager apparently 'forgot' she agreed not to put her down Monday-Wednesday, so we didn't get to talk very much this week... but Shanna did go and remind her, so hopefully they'll get it right this week. I did call her after the second night though, so we at least got a bit more time that way. Much to the annoyance of her step-parents again it seems, although I don't really care anymore after what I heard Scott say this time. He told Shanna she had thirty minutes, then came back after twenty-five and told her it was up. Skype has a call timer, so I told her it was only twenty-five, but he wasn't interested in hearing that and instead shouted back 'just stay on the goddamn phone forever, I don't care'. So we did, lol. I wish they'd be just a bit more supportive for her, instead of just finding things to complain about all the time. Especially when they're constantly telling her she has to be responsible for herself all the time - it's just hypocritical.

Now I'm looking for furniture. I hadn't realised how late the date was - only eleven days until I'm supposed to be moving in. Hopefully I can get all the furniture in credit, pay the rent in advance with my overdraft, and start working on the next Monday. I'll try to see Darius early in the week, but if that fails I know for certian where I can get him on Wednesday night.

I watched Jesus Christ Superstar today, which was good to see again. Normally every channel is filled with a 'serious' easter story, so thank you ITV1 for providing some relief. Not that JCS doesn't follow the same story, but it's much more entertaining than the poor, over-dramatic acting that dominates the other offerings. And Tux, the actors that play Jesus and Judas, Ted Neeley and Carl Anderson respectively... what an amazing vocal performance. Despite apparently being a singer, composer, and drummer, and featuring in a few other films and performances, Neeley doesn't seem to have produced any records for release, which is a shame. The Internet Movie Database biography mentions 'his band', but I can't find any more information than that.

Finally, two small irrelevant things. First, I was bored and playing around with Gizoogle last night, and decided to turn it on my journal. The mild humour of reading the output wears off fairly quickly, but the bit that caught my attention is what it'd done to the MySQL query I recently posted:

SELECT DATE(o.Order_Time - INTERVAL 4 HOUR) AS 'Day', m.Meal_ID AS 'ID', m.Meal_Name AS 'Meal', g.Group_Name AS 'Group', SUM(s.Stat2_Quantizzles AS 'Quantity', m.Meal_Price AS 'Price' FROM `stat2` AS s LEFT JOIN `meals` AS m ON s.Stat2_MealID = m.Meal_ID LEFT Jizzy `mealgroups` AS g ON g.Group_ID = m.Meal_GroupID LEFT Jizzle Nigga AS o ON o.Order_ID = s.Stat2_OrderID WHERE o.Order_Time > FROM_UNIXTIME($PeriodStart) AND o.Order_Time < FROM_UNIXTIME($PeriodEnd) GROUP BY s.Stat2_MealID, DATE(o.Order_Time - INTERVAL 4 HOUR) ORDER BY m.Meal_Name, m.Meal_ID;

The idea of a table field called 'Stat2_Quantizzles' just had me laughing for ages, and as for the other changes... well I know there's a few different join types, LEFT INNER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, STRAIGHT JOIN etc, but LEFT JIZZLE NIGGA? lol, that's great. Can't seem to find it in the documentation though.

The second are just two comments I saw on a recent post in Scott Adams' blog. You'll have to read the entry for the context. The extract of script is from an episode of Blackadder.

I'm not a believer that any particular book contains the literal word on God, so I won't pick. Books were invented by men a long time into man's history - if God thought we needed an owners manual he would have dropped them from the heaven's like rain.

Instead, I think he (or she) imbued us with an instinctual sense right and wrong (a moral compass), just like we're all given basic survival instincts. Organized religions start out with well-meaning intentions to reaffirm those moral instincts, but too often they just winds up creating an us-against-them mentality - Honor God MY way or suffer the consequences!!

I had a friend who was a devout Christian who believed in the doctrine that you must believe in Jesus to go to heaven. I asked him how many religions he'd researched before chosing to be a Christian, and he said none. Like most people, he practiced the religion of his parents and the one most prevelant in his community. I pointed out that if he'd been born in China to a Buddist family, that he'd almost certainly have been a Buddist, and he may have lived his entire life without ever hearing about Christianity. So why would God send billions of babies souls to be born into circumstances where they could lead good, moral lives, and still not go to heaven? If that's the way he works, he should be fired.

Bottom line, I don't think God cares what you eat or wear, how you pray or how often, or what name you call him by. I think he just wants us all to treat each other well. I'd start a religion based on that philosophy, but then someday some idiot follower would probably start a war with the other religions, trying to prove I was right.

Percy: You know, they do say that the Infanta's eyes are more beautiful than the famous Stone of Galveston.
Edmund: Mm! ... What?
Percy: The famous Stone of Galveston, My Lord.
Edmund: And what's that, exactly?
Percy: Well, it's a famous blue stone, and it comes ... from Galveston.
Edmund: I see. And what about it?
Percy: Well, My Lord, the Infanta's eyes are bluer than it, for a start.
Edmund: I see. And have you ever seen this stone?
Percy: (nods) No, not as such, My Lord, but I know a couple of people who have, and they say it's very very blue indeed.
Edmund: And have these people seen the Infanta's eyes?
Percy: No, I shouldn't think so, My Lord.
Edmund: And neither have you, presumably.
Percy: No, My Lord.
Edmund: So, what you're telling me, Percy, is that something you have never seen is slightly less blue than something else you have never seen.
Percy: (finally begins to grasp) Yes, My Lord.

moving, monay, pictures, shanna, work, darius

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