Hmm, fairly normal few days with some odd other bits thrown in. To resume from the last (meaningful) entry, the situation... well, was never resolved, but went away anyway. It'll be back I've no doubt, but there's always something to keep my life interesting anyway. I've noticed that my happiness seems to now be tied almost entirely to monetary
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I'm not perfect, either, but I take pride in trying to improve my habits, as opposed to others (not you, but the modern computing world in general) who seem to be increasingly comfortable with regressing into lazy programming in inefficient languages. I'm almost afraid to find out the minimum system requirements for Longhorn. lol
Anyway, I'm not trying to preach, here, just agreeing with a lot of what you said above. I have no doubt that for what you do, .net makes a lot of sense. When you need to rapidly design and redesign systems, letting the computer do the dirty work, even if you could do it better, can be a real lifesaver.
Time for bed, now, though. Heh. And I still have that new entry of yours to read. Forgive me; I'll have to get to it tomorrow. ;)
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