Hmm, fairly normal few days with some odd other bits thrown in. To resume from the last (meaningful) entry, the situation... well, was never resolved, but went away anyway. It'll be back I've no doubt, but there's always something to keep my life interesting anyway. I've noticed that my happiness seems to now be tied almost entirely to monetary
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I don't know that I'll ever understand why you're so in love with .net, though. I have very little experience with it, myself, but what I saw was enough to make me avoid it. But then, I prefer C to C++, and ASM when I can afford to take the time. I'm an efficiency zealot, I guess. If nothing else, though, C++ sure can be fun. =)
Still, when I want a really fun language, I'll just fire up old vi and let some Perl or (more commonly) Python flow from my fingertips. Yes, it's slow, and no, I don't really do anything useful with it, but it's fun. ;)
Oh, and congrats on understanding TCP! For me, that was one of those things that, try as anyone, man or book might, I could just not be taught. Finally, for no apparent reason and without any apparent provocation, it just "clicked" in my head and I thought, "Oh, that's how it works! Definitely useful to know, and opens up a lot of potentially interesting little projects ( ... )
I wonder if LJ will ever support editing comments?
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