Jul 26, 2004 19:03
this is an excerpt from an email i sent recently...
"I am going to need some serious accountability this year, in the field of dating, I have decided not to date...which means no flirting, thinking about or hoping for a relationship with a boy...my goal is to examine my own heart and persue a stronger relationship with Christ, allowing Him to be the prince of my heart...something that I have let slip over this past year...I don't think I will date again until I meet a young man whose heart is set ablaze with passion for Christ, who can encourage me just as I can encourage him, with whom I know God has placed in my life for the possibility of marriage. My goal is to treat the guys I meet throughout this year as my brothers, a role which they deserve. I just have really allowed God to take the back seat in this life that doesn't even really belong to me. My life is God's why should I not be focused on him, I will be focused on striving towards excellence and attaining a stronger relationship with Him every day. This may sound really overdramatic and insane, but I've really been convicted of this..."