A note on genetics

May 04, 2012 09:47

Whenever you download one of my sims and it has geneticised eyes, have you ever noticed they play differently than other eyes in your game? I geneticise and townify every single eye I download, on a scale of 1-3 (maybe 3.5), in halfs, according to a few articles I read on human eye genetics (namely, that the order of dominance is basically "brown > green/blue-green > blue/grey > rare colours" and is more complex than that...but this is sims). Curious?

1|Dark/medium browns, dark hazels

1.5|medium/light browns, light hazels, dark greens, dark hazels that contain blue

2|Light greens, dark green-blues, dark blues, dark greys

2.5|Light blues, light green-blues, dark dark purples/violets, light greys

3|Light purples/violets, pinks, reds, yellows, oranges, basically anything unrealistic that I like the colour of

3.5|I don't know what I've put in here, but I bet there's something that I didn't want breeding through too much

My defaults, then, are 1: dark brown, hazel; and 2: dark blue, light green, dark grey. I picked them out of one of Shadyline's sets. She's my favourite eye creator :D

My default skins are from multiple creators, and I only chose tones that exactly matched the Maxis ones. After that, I geneticised the rest of my skins based on the defaults. Since I finished that project a few years ago, I've downloaded skins only once or twice, because the hassle of geneticising just isn't worth it. When I get pre-geneticised skins, they rarely fit in with my own set and I have had births ingame where the baby's skin doesn't necessarily make sense.

Boring post :D I've got half a Henderson update ready, though, so keep an eye open for that possibly next week.

other junk

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