@!#!@ women drivers....

Sep 24, 2003 16:24

So I'm on the way to class at about 4, and this woman is constantly matching the speed of the driver right in front of me. She was to my left so it was blocking me in, and they were both going about 10 mph below the speed limit. She was directly to my left, just slightly in front of me, the woman in the van in front of me was about a car length ahead, making it physically impossible to pass.

Anyway, I get up next to the woman on my left, and the bitch is fucking READING a newspaper. She has it in hand kind of wrapping the newspaper around the steering wheel. So at the light I honk.

She pauses for a second and looks at me. I give her the rudest look I could muster up.
The look must have penetrated the shield of peroxide fried hair and connected with some deeply hidden synapse, cause she put the paper down. I then extended my middle finger as the light turned green.

About a mile up I acted like I was going to cut her off, just to remind the stupid bitch why she shouldn't be reading while she drives. She ended up breaking as soon as I hit my blinker. Lesson learned?
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