Apr 04, 2006 11:33
1. For all his shows of pompousness and blowhardness, he really is that way the majority of the time and cares very little about anyone but himself. However, when it comes down to it, he cares most about Jeannie, his sister, even if they haven't been close.
2. In a subconscious/conscious way, McKay continually makes the situation far worse than it actually is, touting that 'this is impossible' or 'it cannot be fixed', so that when it is, he looks ever greater the hero.
3. McKay is a hypochondriac and a bit of a wuss. He's allergic to lemons and bees, has an orthopedic mattress designed custom for his back, would probably call himself a hypoglycemic and has issues with both the sun and with exposure to radiation. Most of his medical issues were self-diagnosed, likely, as there is no love lost between him and medical doctors.
4. The closest thing he has to friendships in Atlantis are tenuous at best, but he would call Sheppard, Teyla, Ford, Weir, Beckett, Ronon, and Zelenka his friends. As far as friendship can go, anyway. Ford's 'betrayal' created a grudge that McKay will take a while to get over.
5. McKay is a genius. The scary smart kind. He built a working atomic bomb when he was ten and was recruited by the CIA for it. He leads up the science expedition and for all his social issues and misanthropic attitude, he has the intelligence to back him up.