Oct 09, 2006 13:32

So here's that exciting news that I was promising you, and it's not an engagement (as I think some of you were thinking). I was hired to run a media program at a camp called OSRUI- the Olin Sang Rubin Union Institute (hereafter referred to as "Jenn's camp"). It's going to be really cool cause I basically get to design my own program and it's going to be a VERY BIG change from past summers. This means now that officially I won't be back at Centauri this coming summer. It's funny, because at first when I was thinking about the change I felt reluctant, cause this would have been my 10th summer, and Centauri is my home, but one of the things I'm learning to do is take more risks and accept change. So I guess this is going to be the first big step. Now I'm really looking forward to it. So that's my news.
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