Sep 17, 2005 04:30
so me and jay were driving back to his house cuz we were chillin w/ the tipton cuz hes getting married tomorrow! theres this car in front of is this dude is freaking trashed like you wouldnt belive. seriously he didnt drive in a straight line for anything more than about 5 seconds. at some points hed be in the complete opposite lane. so me and jay decided to be the drunk police and we called 911 and reported our location. just to make sure he got busted we were gonna follow him till the cops came. but as it turns out we didnt even need to keep following him because well he turned left onto 2920 and he was going for a couple minutes. swerving being a dummy. then boom he drives off the road and lands in the ditch. heh it was funny. so me and jay started back to his house and we passed by a cop and flagged him down and we were like some drunk dude just ran into the ditch go get em! so we went back to jays house feeling all accomplished yayyy!!! but then after i got my car i drove back to check on me and jays little buddy, and there was as tow truck getting his car out of the ditch and 3 cop cars. uh ohhhh this guys in twubble :). woo wee fun story!