Give me a character I RP, and I'll tell you
01. Full name:
02. Best friend:
03. Sexuality:
04. Favorite color:
05. Relationship status:
06. Ideal mate:
07. Turn-ons:
08. Last sexual experience:
09. Favorite food:
10. Crushes:
11. Favorite music:
12. Biggest fear:
13. Biggest fantasy:
14. Quirks in bed:
15. Bad habits:
16. Biggest regret:
17. Best kept secrets:
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12. Biggest fear: Children. She's required to have them, but she knows she hasn't got a maternal bone in her body. Her own hypothetical offspring aside, she's very tense around living, breathing children, due to the Yava of Innocent Flesh. Granted, this only extends to dead kids, but she still doesn't trust herself around them.
13. Biggest fantasy: It's no secret that she's extremely attracted to Art. The 'forbidden fruit' angle might have something to do with it, but she can't deny that their skills and personalities compliment one another very well. Since they can never be together, she's kind of stuck fantasizing about what it might be like. Which she does. A lot. If he'd put on a shirt now and then, it might not be so bad.
14. Quirks in bed: Lynn is extremely dominant and never bottoms without a fight. It takes a lot for her to be comfortable enough to give up that control, and only a few lovers have gotten that far. Perhaps for that reason, she enjoys fucking in standing/sitting positions when it comes to straight sex, and is usually the more aggressive partner in with women.
15. Bad habits: She steals the blankets, enjoys living in 'comfortable' clutter and sheds in the shower in any form. Lynn rarely considers the advice or opinions of others. While she does well in positions of command, she doesn't enjoy responsibility and will go out of her way to avoid it.
16. Biggest regret: Yeijiro's death. Linette will probably never stop beating herself up over it. He was twenty feet away and she let the Abomination get to him first. Her only consolation is that it wasn't able to drink him dry, but only because he wounded it so badly. Nothing she did affected his fate, and what do the dead care for revenge?
17. Best kept secrets: She's fallen prey to the Yava of Innocent Flesh on more than one occasion. Given that much of her work has been with guerrilla factions and smuggling refugees to safety, she's come across (and subsequently eaten) many dead children. She's even killed comrades who were unfortunate enough to be present when the Yava struck her, in order to keep the secret. This is the one thing she despises about herself, about what she is, but she's powerless to change it.
18. Last thought: Christ, it's hot as Padang in August out here.
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Her first. She was fourteen, drunk on grain alcohol and some moderately attractive spectator suggested (for the umpteenth time) that she was secretly a man, that no girl could fight the way she did. She offered to prove it to him, staggered back to his tenement flop and engaged in the least pleasurable sex of her life. Any arousal or attraction died pretty quick once the groping started, and she was too drunk to think "wait, this should probably be more fun." It was awkward and grabby and more uncomfortable than painful, and she caught lice from his unwashed bedclothes. She can laugh about it now, but at the time she was embarrassed and angry (mostly at herself) about the whole thing.
20. Biggest insecurity: As a rule, the Kahn are more majestic than beautiful, and their homid forms are rarely as drop-dead-gorgeous as those of other Bastet. This doesn't typically bother Lynn, but when she's keenly aware of it at taghairms or other gatherings of various clans. This is at the root of her problem with Art: he's way prettier than she is, and she doesn't believe him when he claims to be attracted to her.
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