My Private Entry on Myspace, Scruffy, Whitney, Jacqui, & Laura

Jan 14, 2008 18:53

So yeah...

Scruffy ♥ Whitney ♥ Jacqui ♥ Laura

Who has been there for me no matter what? Who has never hurt my feelings ever?

Scruffy & Whitney & Jacqui & Laura

My mother has always been there but she's hurt my feelings, and I've hurt hers too. Nathan's and I have hurt each other's feelings too.

You know you think people are your friends and then you get big smacks in your face. You get walked all over. It really sucks.

I've traveled all over the country. Lived in Florida, Mississippi, Louisana, Back to Virginia, and then to California.

I called Whitney. "Happy Birthday, I'm getting Married. Be there?" She never missed a beat, then I drove to her house and got fucked up. We're there for each other no matter what! We love each other. I know that if I called her now and said, "I'm going to go to jail if you don't help me bury this dead body!" She'd be here. I would do the same for her. I'd actually supervise Eddie doing my share of digging though. Eddie is even like family. He loves Whitney and that's what matters.

Whitney and I were even called Lesbians in highschool. Sorry we're not getting dressed in front of you girls with big boobs in the locker room. We like our own showers just fine! But I have tits now. I love breast feeding, haha.

Whitney and Eddie both work their asses off and still party hardy! They still somehow managed to show up to my baby shower that was at least 2 hours away from them, despite the horrible things going on in their family at the time...It was the best shower present I got.

Jacqui and I have a secret we'll carry to our graves. She helped me save my marriage when I thought all else was failing. She took care of me when no one else would, or cared to.

Laura took on an army of 1000+ worms for me. Enough said! (I love you!) Ok not enough said. Drunken Phone calls and drives @ 2:30 am. For Safety & Love! :)

The point is I'm sad.

I thought I found another Whitney. I was wrong. How could I have been so stupid to think I'd ever find someone as good and nice and supportive as Whitney? Pretty stupid.

She's really hurt my feelings a lot this deployment. Most of it stems from her stupid ass husband. Yep I said it. STUPID ASS JUSTIN!

The thing that hurt the most was when it was getting close to me having Scarlett (well "Baby Miller" at the time) she was supposed to come out here and be with me and all that stuff "BFFs" do. She didn't because "Justin didn't want her too" Jessica isn't allowed to spend money. FUCK YOU JUSTIN! But then I started to think about it. Justin wasn't holding her back. He wasn't there MAKING her not come out here and support me while my husband is gone.

Then she called me in the hospital or I called her, I don't remember, I was so fucked up. She says "I'm flying out!" Needless to say, she never did. Justin would be mad if she did. WHATEVER.

I'm so over Justin. I hear about what a mean person he is all the time. But she never does anything about it! She won't stand up to him. I used to think that her telling me all the mean and hateful things he did was her way of trying to get encouragement to say something or stand up for herself. But I was wrong.

I guess the last straw was yesterday. I REALLY got my feelings hurt AGAIN. "Justin told me I had to pick between you and him, I told him 'you can't make me do that...'" If Nathan ever said anything like that or similiar to that about any of my friends no matter how great or shitty they are I would have said, "FUCK YOU!" I guess I'm just upset because she didn't stand up for herself...or me very much for that matter.

I freaking assembled an Army of able bodied men and women to help her unload her big box when no one else would help her and she was so upset she was crying...and I get "you can't make me do that?"

Justin hates me because I make "Jessica question her love for Justin" and honestly I question it too. One thing I don't question is his love for Xbox. Maybe if he was nicer to her I nor she would wonder about such things as "his love for her."

I just can't handling hearing about Justin not letting her do this, or saying that, or only calling when he is mad at her or wants her to send something. Like my sister says, "Don't talk about it, Be about it."

I guess that's just our family. We've never been ones to get pushed over or walked on. Maybe we're abnormal. Maybe it's normal to be taken advantage of all the time.

Jessica and I had some really good times. We've been through a lot together. But I feel taxed. How am I as a friend supposed to sit by and watch Justin be so hateful and mean to her? Nothing I do or say changes anything. She doesn't want to leave him. Why? I've already said to much about their relationship, even though you probably don't know these people, but still saying why (and the why would totally be my 100% OPINON) would def be saying too much.

BFFs are stupid things people say about each other in middle school, they don't exisit. You have family and you have friends.

Scruffy, Whitney, & Jacqui & Laura are my family, maybe not by blood, buy by dependability, deep dark secrets, & worms, they are my family.

I have lots of friends. But few family members. And that's ok. :)

Oh P.S. To top things off...Justin is taking Nathan's spot to come home from Iraq 3 weeks early. then lied about it to his wife. Whatever. I'm sure 2 coupanys just want to lie about someone. Long story short. Nathan has been in the field for 7 weeks now (straight, this is the longest stint it's usually 1 week on 1 week off or 2 weeks on 1 week off). Justin has been at the FOB playing xbox almost this entire deployment (but according to him that must be a lie too(even though he called Jessica when his xbox cord brokehaha)) and put his name on the Advon list. The slot that the guys back at the FOB had picked out for Nathan. No matter when Justin gets back Jessica is still going to be pregnant. Nathan was here for like a month of my pregnancy. Training cycles suck ass. Also Scarlett will be 8 weeks in two days. Scarlett will be 12 weeks when Nathan comes back, instead of 9...thank you Justin Gay Ass Faggot. You selfish selfish man. When asked why he did that and if he knew that slot was for Nathan he could only repeat over and over again "it's not my fault" and him and Nathan are supposed to be friends?! They obviously aren't anymore. What really sucks is when a wife emails about this asshole that took "cuts" spot on the advon list and how he can't MEET his kid 3 weeks earlier and bla bla bla poor wifey.

My husband's nick name is "cuts"

Yay. Fuck Me.

scruffy, jacqui, scarlett, backstabbed, whitney, laura, jessica, bitch, hate, nathan, deployment

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