
Jun 12, 2008 00:46

I know I don't have a lot of friends on livejournal (yet?), but I was hoping this would turn out okay. As the internet becomes a more and more prominent part of this generations' lives, we move further and further apart from our personal relationships. So here's my bid to the beginning of a better relationship!

Ask me any and as many questions you want (excluding information like my address/phone number/etc.), and I promise I will answer them in the next post. If you have not  asked a question and you still want to after I have answered the questions, post the question in the comments of the next post and I will reply to the comment.

Also, if there is anything you want to tell me in anonymity, such as something you need advice for or just something you've always wanted to admit but never wanted to tell anyone, I am here for you. 


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