
Jul 31, 2008 16:44

Okay, so my laptop is pretty messed up right now (I'm on my sister's desktop)... It was working fine last night, then I go to turn it on this morning, and it won't even start up. Ugh. I'm running startup repair right now, but I am thinking I may have to totally reformat. Which would suck, seeing as I'm unsure of how much writing I will lose if it comes to that (I don't think it SHOULD delete anything, but you never know with these things). Fortunately, I have rough handwritten copies of most of my typed stuff, and anything that's finished should already be posted on here. UNfortunately, all of my graphic stuff isn't backed up. =/ Oh well. Working computer > not working computer with stuff on it. Lol.

I don't know how long it will be until I'll be able to get back on. Hopefully tonight! <333

UGHHHH. Startup repair didn't work, and now the system reformat isn't working either...

Okay, I talked to Dell, and they're sending me a replacement part. I don't know when it will come in, but suffice to say I won't be online as much as usual until it does.

hard knock life

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