My Introduction Post

Apr 13, 2029 00:00

Hello! I don't really know where to begin, so I guess I'll just dive right in, talk about my interests and what you're likely to find on my livejournal. As I am writing this, I'm on the summer vacation just before I begin my Freshman year in college. I'm pretty excited. I live in the United States, and English is my primary language. I studied Spanish for a bit, but I haven't been using it in a while, so I'm probably out of practice; that said, I'd like to get back into it, so I dunno. I guess I might write something soon. I'm into a ton of stuff, and usually get along with people.

Television's a pretty big part of my day, since I don't really do much during the summer. I watch a lot of pretty random stuff, spanning from cartoons like The Oblongs (I want Milo's "NO." shirt) to reality shows like So You Think You Can Dance. I've recently gotten into the series Doctor Who, which is pretty interesting and in sync with the type of stuff I'm into. That type of stuff I mean is like fantasy combining with science (science fiction? haha). The date on my post is one of interest when it comes to superstition and science blending.

Well, I guess that's about it! You got a small taste of my livejournal, so I'm hoping you'll add me as a friend and read my work. Many of my entries are friends only, and if you are stumbling along trying to read more of what I write, please add me as a friend, and I will add  you back. :)

This journal has become friends only for personal reasons. Please leave a comment, message me, or just add me, and I will add you back. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
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