I will regret this in the morning

Aug 01, 2007 04:04

I have to go to work in two hours and I've tried but haven't slept yet. Working 8+ hours on literally no sleep for the third time in a week (and probably the next day) is going to suck and will probably lead to me fucking up, though there is the consolation of seeing the Regulations in Baltimore afterwards and then in Philly on Friday.

I am about 50/50 split between staying in DC and moving to San Francisco come January. If I get fired from the co-op, I will split town immediately. If people are not going to give a shit about me wherever I live, I'd at least like to have good times with them than just be tolerated and be treated as a novelty by people who don't get me and don't want to hang out with anyone but the people they've known forever.

Oh yeah, I was gone seven out of the last nine weeks. Fucked with my head in both good and bad ways, my hearing is a LOT worse, I feel inspired to do a lot of cool shit but also have $400 I need to earn in the next week and a half.

I haven't dated anyone in two and a half years, and while there is no way I am going to "settle," it'd be nice if this changed sometime soon. About that move to California.
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