(no subject)

Oct 15, 2011 00:59

Also, have been getting seriously sick and scared of this whole Occupy garbage. Bunch of lazy hippy communist douchebags calling for - what, exactly? Anyone else realize that it began with the Arab Spring? And that their first move was called the Day of Rage and they didn't even have a clear goal? They had no idea what they were protesting against, except that it was all vaguely liberal and whiny. And after over a month, they STILL don't have a clear Thing Against Which to Protest! Bankers? Consumerism? Corproations? Rich people? Seriously? You're going to bitch about and try to punish people for being successful? And claim to represent 99% of - what, exactly? The American population? That's a laugh.

Is anyone else unsettlingly reminded of the Weimar Republic? Next, they'll be hating Jews - oh wait, they already do. Gosh darn Israel and those pesky Jews; if only they'd give up their land and culture.

(Need actual video evidence? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLSvK2eIoBs Holy crap, did his sign actually say "Nazi"!? Darn those Jews being good at things! )

Zeig heil!

PS: There's also cop hatery going on.

Seriously - it's getting a little terrifying with how pervasive this trap is. Someone say a prayer.
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