(no subject)

Jul 01, 2011 16:25

Well, yesterday was the most boring day in the history of boring days. I went with mom to visit her friend Anne in VA. I forgot how boring little old ladies could be. And kind of rude, too. I mean, I like her and all, she's a nice little old lady. But she sure likes to talk. About nothing. A whole lot of absolute, pointless nothing. Anytime I managed to get a word in edgewise, she started talking over me before I got the rest of the sentence out, having latched onto some detail and spun it around into something unrelated. Example:

She asked if I drew everything just from memory and imagination, and I said no. That picture there, and the one of the man's profile are pictures I drew from a paused tv show. That's supposed to be King Richard, in one of the really early Dr. Who episodes, fr-

And then she started talking about the royal wedding, because it, too, had been on television. wtf. She did that a bunch of times.

Maybe she's not as boring alone or with someone else. I know mom isn't. But together, they were the perfect storm of boredom. I mean, okay, so you little old ladies might not want to laugh and play music and write stupid stories and draw penises because they're funny looking. I get that, you don't like to have fun. But great Lord, at least find something interesting to talk about! Philosophy! Moral quandaries! Newly discovered aquatic species! Art! Literature!

But no. How thick are your glasses, now? I wonder when the electrical man will be here. You have a gas fireplace? Oh, those are nice. My, the economy has gone downhill. I don't like sweets. Have some carrot juice and almond butter. My father used to juice all manner of vegetables. Carrots, beets, celery, cabbage. I also have sardines. So-and-so is a wreck since her husband died, calling and crying all the time. So-and-so-someone-else is living life far too liberally, she's going to burn out by the time she's forty.

holy crap. I had no idea you could fill an entire day with ....THAT.

And the entire point of visiting had been to meet for lunch, but what did she do, she made an appointment with the electrical company to come do work, thereby tying up the whole day! Who does that? I have company coming for lunch, I think I'll have the electric company out at the same time? No! Come to find out, though, after several hours, the work was to be done outside and she didn't have to be there after all.

holy crap. I thought we'd be back by maybe 4 or 5 five in the afternoon, having meant to leave at 10a, but leaving closer to 11. Oh no. No, we got back at like 9pm.

But it wasn't all Anne's fault, or even both of them together. It was also one of the absolute worst days to travel I've ever seen. There was congestion just about the entire way there and back. Trying to avoid said congestion on the way there, we got lost, even though mom has a GPS. I decided, when I tried using it, that it hasn't updated itself in awhile because it can't for some reason. (It kept trying to, though. And said we weren't on roads we were clearly on.) So we got lost in the forests of Germany, but eventually made it. I think I'd have rather spent the day in Germany. :P

But today should be good. The rest of it, I mean. Mom came by with the lawn mower and mowed the lawn. I had started cooking by the time she showed, and adjusted the amounts to be for two people. Then Aunt Brenda showed up and we all shared food. :) Tonight, it'll be the River Concert with fireworks. Always fun. I just wish it weren't so crowded.. Hard to find a seat, then takes an hour just to leave the parking lot. I can guarantee that there are people already there, staking out a good place to sit.
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