"Could you take my picture...."

Feb 18, 2006 23:32

(G 'n' R - "Appetite For Destruction". 6 for 6 now.)

Took Con to the cinema today, for the first time ever. He's, what, three and three quarters now, so I figured it was worth a try.

Was it?

Damn straight.

He and I had a great time. It was "Chicken Little", which was, frankly, as disappointing as you would expect. Even Con didn't seem that impressed by it (a few chuckles, and a few exciting moment, but a Pixar movie it ain't. "Cars" looks good though....), but he *loved* the whole experience. He knew it was a special trip just for him, and a treat. Thankfully, he's also still just chuffed when he gets his daddy all to himself (and long may that continue).

(Damn. The Smiths - "The Queen Is Dead". There goes my perfect game... ;+)

Con was completely in awe of the "TV" in the cinema. He uttered a literal "Whoa" when he saw the first pictures on it. Very cute. And he behaved so well. Went to the toilet before we went in, and then watched bemused as other boys and girls got up to go during the film. He asked me questions, but quietly, and sat in his seat up until the last ten minutes of the movie, at which point he asked to sit on my knee (fine). At one point, a kid behind him was kicking his seat. Con isn't so big that he can turn round and see over the seat back, so, he silently turned round in his seat, got on his knees, peeped over his seat and just glared at the kid. I had to stop myself from laughing. He can look very angry when he wants to. The kid stopped kicking.

Con, it has to be said, behaved perfectly the entire time we were there. And that's not bias, it's just the way it is. Good kid.

(Radiohead - "The Bends". 7 out of 8. They're playing "Street Spirit" too - great song, and great video.)

After we got out, he was bouncing. Didn't talk about the movie at all (really, it's nothing to write home about), but he went on about the screen, and the sound, and the seats, and it was so much fun, and "just for daddies and Connors, not for Ambers". He held my hand pretty much all of the time too, which is just - well, it seems obvious, you know? He's my kid, so he holds my hand. Truth is, Si and I give him his lead whenever we can - he very rarely *has* to hold our hand. Only if it's a particularly busy road. So, he wanted too. You can't buy that feeling. And after the movie, as we walked out of the cinema, he did his sort of stomp / strut walk that he does when he's really happy.

There's nothing, NOTHING you could give me that I'd trade for these moments.

On our way to the car, he seemed disappointed we were going home. I said "You want to go to the shops?" thinking he'd refuse. "Yeah!" was the response. I offered "You want to go to a special shop?" "What shop, daddy?" "How about.... the big toy shop?" (Toys R Us)

"Whoohoo! Yeah, daddy, let's go there!"

Seriously - how can anyone not have kids?

goldfrapp, cinema, connor, chicken little

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