I am a coward

Aug 28, 2005 20:17

I am a coward,
Hiding behind your fears.
Twisting and turning,
So as not to be seen.
Tucked tail,
Ready to run.

I saw the way things were going
A long time back.
I am a coward,
My ideas,
My thoughts meant nothing.
The words on paper,
No longer formed sentences;
No one understood.

And I said nothing.
A thought that would've
Changed a nation.
An idea to cause a revolution.
I am a coward.
Too scared to speak up.
Too scared of being shot down.
I had to hide.
To twist and turn,
So as not to be seen.

I am one of the innocents
Who turned away
When given a chance.

Who could've spoken up and out
When no one would listen to the guilty.
I am a coward,
I couldn't speak.
I wouldn't speak.
Oh I could think,
But what good is an idea
If no one would understand?
I had the chance.

But I did not speak
And thus became guilty myself.
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