0 0 2 ✘ dream

Nov 07, 2011 22:38

Dream effects: Loneliness, depression, self-hatred
Warnings: None really? Spoilers for Doctor Who S2 I guess

The feed starts off and the Doctor can be seen latching on to something on a wall. On the other wall, there's someone else; Rose, his companion. It had been the perfect plan, for them to open the portal and drag the Cybermen and Daleks into the void. They also faced a high risk of getting dragged too, if they weren't careful, but they were used to danger.

The thrill of danger, and the light at the end of the tunnel that the Doctor saw. No more Daleks, no more Cybermen, he could actually be able to fix the holes in the universe. Both things filled him with happiness and anxiousness as the portal to the void opened.

Both gripped tight to what they held on to, as the void sucked in all that had crossed universes, Daleks and Cybermen alike. As he saw that, he turned to Rose, and gave her a wide grin. She smiled back. It was all going so well. Their plan was going so perfectly. 'Nothing can go wrong' can be heard in the Tenth's voice, but it's clearly just his thoughts.

And then like clockwork, it did. As the lever on Rose's side starts to go back, the portal starts to close, and the force lessens. He looks at Rose desperately, and his eyes widen as he watches her pull the lever back to its original place.

But he didn't care anymore about the other things being sucked in, as he watched Rose in horror as her grip lessened on the lever. "Hold on!" he screams at the top of his lungs and he's not sure if she can't hear him or if she simply can't do it, because before he knows it, she loses her grip on the handle, and she is quickly pulled in. "Rose!!" he cries out at the top of his lungs, and futilely stretches out an arm hoping that by some miracle, she would catch it.

And before she is fully sucked into the void, he sees the shape of her father from the alternate universe appear, taking a hold of her. And the last thing he sees, the last expression he sees on her face before she disappears was a pleading one. And just like that, she was gone, and the portal closed. He was never going to see her again.

He wakes up with a start, taking deep breaths as he tries to push away the memories of that day. He failed yet another person, the person he most cared about, the one who said she'd be with him forever. But that was never the case was it?

Picking up the dreamberry, he turns off the feed. He needed some time to collect his thoughts.

;rose, ;baww, ;cries, ;dream, ;curse of the time lords

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