(no subject)

Jan 11, 2006 20:55

I don't think i can come to Barcelona. I'm not certain yet but i think this year there is going to be a lack of time/money (mainly money) meaning i wont be able to come. Oh well.

I'm so happy at the moment. I feel so relaxed just generally, i think this is the first time in my life that i can honestly say i don't care at all about whatever life throws at me. I'll just go with it, see what happens. And i feel completely happy about that. I've never felt so laid back before. Ever.
It's a good feeling.
So generally feeling A+++ good.
Except for the feeling of intruding....

& once is okay
twice is a message

I'm so happy that Pete Burns is on Celebrity Big Brother. I absolutely love that man, he is a legend. And Preston is just beautiful. And Chantelle is just... Paris Travelodge.
I still want to read that book so much. Paris' autobiography. I think it would be so interesting.

We've been watching a lot of giving birth programs lately. I don't think i can ever do it. It looks like the most terrifying thing you could ever do. And the reward at the end isnt that great either... the babies come out all juicy looking like mini Gollums. Ugh.

Also, important stuff here....
Who is actually coming to Kano?
4th Feb, £12
Because me and suzanne want to go but... it would be good to get a big group going... non?
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