
Aug 01, 2008 14:38

Mun Name: Ky
Mun Journal: illegalism
AIM/MSN: the original ky
Email: ssjkybok@gmail.com

Character: Sha Gojyo
Fandom: Saiyuki
Timeline: Just after the Kami-sama arc finishes up (end of Reload)
History/Personality: Life's rough when your mommy doesn't love you. Well, your step-mommy. Because your mommy did love you but then she died, and maybe it wasn't that you weren't loved so much as you represented everything your step-mother resented. Her cheating husband and your crimson hair and crimson eyes teasing her, mocking her without even trying. And you just wanted to make her happy, you know? So you weren't going to object when she wanted to kill you, so long as she'd just stop crying. But your brother -- now he objected to that, so he killed her and left you all alone in a world where you weren't wanted.

You grew up a little whore because that's how you found love, and it worked for daddy, so how about for you? But then he shows up. Barely alive, lying in the middle of the road bleeding everywhere, so you haul his ass home and he's the only man that's ever been allowed in your bed. Why? God only knows, but you nurse him back to health and then you've got a roommate. And hey, things aren't looking so bad, huh? He's nice and he cleans house and cooks -- kinda like a wife, you know?

But then up comes the monk who wants to kill him for the crimes he's committed and being a bit of a criminal yourself, you're not about to let the guy go. Plus, you know, you like him. So then who knows how but you're all swept up into this whirlwind adventure, yeah? Gonna save the world from the crazy demons. Pretty cool.

But then there's that kid. Yeah, there's been a lot of shit between starting this trip and meeting that kid, but it's not important. What's important is that the kid trusted you. Tried to do things for you in his misguided little way. And dammit, you did want to see that kid's brother be brought back. And then the gods deemed it fit that the kid should die. And fuck it all but you just tore heaven down and for what? For nothing. Kid's not coming back. And that was just a crazy doctor with a god complex you just killed. Fucking hell, huh?

But you're not bitter. You just need a woman. Bad. And maybe a stiff drink and some menthols. Those make everything better, don't they? And at least the wife's still around. The grumpy monk and the stupid monkey are too, but it's not so bad.
Animal: Snapping Turtle
First Person Sample: Eh? Eh- shit man, what's this? Fucking hell, this- this is hay- Hakkai, I swear Sanzo's getting cheap on us! Got a credit card from the gods and we're still sleeping in these shitty rooms-



F-fuck, Goku, Jeep, anyone?

Am I in a barn?!
Third Person Sample: He woke up pissed. There was hay in his hair, shirt, pants, shoes, and he smelled like a farmyard. It was dark and musty and this was just downright weird but there had to be something good about it... Hey, country girls weren't too bad anyway -- this had to just be some trick of that he-she goddess, right? But back to those country girls. Not so fussy as city girls, not at all! Easier, too, sometimes, and man were they cute!

And then he walked out into the bright daylight and looked around. What was this place and was that a-

Oh man, this was no ordinary farm if that was a bear over there- bears eat people and-

Hokay run run run- girls don't go for guys that have a mauled up face!
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