If anyone's ever in Frankfort Kentucky, and needs to get to a secluded swimming hole with a rope swing and train bridge:
When downtown, take Broadway st. to Anne st. to Main st. to Capital ave. then take Capital ave to Taylor, Take Taylor to Devil's Hollow Road. Follow this for a beautiful approximately 5 mile drive. When you've crossed the train tracks following this road, you know you need to find a place to park. Walking along the train tracks for about a mile, you won't miss the swimming hole. If you're looking for vegetarian food (hard to find in Kentucky sometimes) Nema's Grill is a great independently owned eatery which also has selected international cuisine (samosas, hummus, etc). There is also an incredible bookstore in downtown on the road with the train tracks running in the middle which has great coffee and bakery goods if you need a place to rest or find some nice people to talk to (the towns usually eerily empty).
Street Art, The Splasher:
http://nymag.com/news/features/32388/ ^article coining "graffiti supervillan"
http://gothamist.com/2007/06/26/the_splasher_sp.php ^a modern anarchists manifesto
http://www.streetsy.com/streetsy/tag/splasher/ http://www.woostercollective.com/2007/06/breaking_has_the_splasher_been_caught_at.html ^the supposed guy looks like harry potter in the above article
http://gothamist.com/2007/06/22/breaking_allege.php http://www.flickr.com/photos/bluejake/tags/obey/ Two Other Cool Articles:
The Constitution in 2 Minutes. The Pirahã, Everett wrote, have no numbers, no fixed color terms, no perfect tense, no deep memory, no tradition of art or drawing, and no words for “all,” “each,” “every,” “most,” or “few”-terms of quantification believed by some linguists to be among the common building blocks of human cognition.