Sep 22, 2004 15:09
Yesterday was great lol. During lunch Becky was talking to me about something and all of a sudden she "got the chills" or so she says...her one arm had a convultion. We found it completely histerical and then I knocked my water over which wasnt closed so I spilt it on myself and then I couldnt see cuz I was laughing so hard and I just sat there pouring the water on the floor and no one told me until I realized it awhile later. lol. Then later that day after the girls' soccer practice me becky caity and mere went to Mary Janes and on the way there me & caity see mr.trapani on a huge tractor riding down lattintown road and his son is on the side like waving so we thought he was telling caity to slow down then we realized it was him and he's mentally ill so he was just spazing. Then at Mary Janes Caity went completely over the curb when pulling in not slightly hitting it with one tire...she went over it with all four tires. lol. Then we were discussing juniper stuff and that was pretty funny, I wont go into detail. So then caity brought us home and once everyone leaves and its just me and caity we have the most interesting/random convos lol i luv ya caity our little 5 min. convos are awesome.
Today in gym was fun because me & amy just stood around pretending to play tennis and talked about all this crazy stuff but it makes for an interesting gym class. I said i'd have to do more stuff lol umm experiment with things so i can tell her about it more. Chemistry sucks but I got a 9/10 on the last test so im pretty happy about that. Matt keeps telling me he dropped it and every time I still believe him. Ill be mad if he actually does cuz hes in my lab group. Ahh I have like 3 tests tomorrow 2nd, 3rd, and 4th which sucks. I get to go watch becky caity and mere play against minisink valley today...its a home game @ 4:30 so go so I have someone to talk to. lol. *much love