Sep 14, 2004 16:13
Friday me becky and caity went to the juniper show and caity got 2 hugs from matt, we talked to devon & matt multiple times, I got kyle to say happy bday to becky since her bdays this week and she loves kyle, yeah then i got him to come over cuz i had to thank him and i had everyone from juniper sign these posters that we bought there...i just asked devon if he could have everyone sign them. it was crazy. i saw jaynis boyfriends band play Red Collar Crime...they were good. Jayni was freaking out while they were playing. And The Good Year was there again they're awesome. Then we went back to caitys house and talked about the concert and everything then fell asleep and woke up and made waffles.
Saturday after the waffle making we went to pick up chris and we went to the mall to basically walk around and stuff since we really dont have any money. We talked to the manager from aeris that works in zumiez...he made fun of caity said she was on drugs or something. lol. Then chris was nice enough to buy caity 2 cds from best buy cuz he had this gift card thing for there. And we spent forever looking for a sketch book for caity in the mall, then at like staples, then barnes & noble and finally found one at michaels. Then we went to mcdonalds to eat and brought chris home. Then went back to caitys and then to my house where beckys mom picked us up and brought us to lances party. Oh and of course this is marlboro so there had to be drama there. Caity & Mere ended up crying. Steffen was sooo drunk. Brian went like psycho looking for caity...he was drunk also although he wouldnt admit it. We broke like 6 chairs and a couple of them got thrown in the fire. We got new now the crew consists of mere, caity, me, becky, kevin, paul, lance, and ryan. I actually talked to paul and kevin that night and so now paul finally believes that i actually like talk. lol. Then meres mom left without us cuz she seemed pissed off and we got a ride home with ryan later on...dont worry he wasnt under the influence of alcohol. We came here listened to some music and fell asleep.
Sunday we woke up had breakfast, hung out at then they left at like 1ish i think. I just stayed home after my very eventful weekend. I had to mow the lawn and clean my room and whatnot. I got to talk to ryan again that night and tell him about my weekend and complain to him about all my drama lol. Yeah my cousins being an ass...he felt the need to apparently tell my uncle that i was up there with ryan(last weekend)or whatever so my uncle called my house to make sure my mom knew i was up there and NOT staying with family :::gasp::: she was like yeah i knew that omg how dare i stay with a boy...oh wrong lol yeah especially when his mom was there the entire time. So yeah jeff idk wtf u were trying to do but thats pretty low.
Monday was the always is cuz its the first day back to school after the weekend and back to getting up really early and everything. Talked to ryan again..ha of course i need to bother him every night possible lol no i leave him alone a couple nights a week. Apparently he talked to his friends about me or something and they rock cuz they're all like make things work with the long distance stuff so yeah WOOO props to any of ryans friends that said that. So hands off ladies hes Cough cough ryan i think u know who im talking about.
Today wasnt too bad. It was school...what more can i say. We had a history test which was actually extremely easy. Im trying to convince matt to not drop chemistry even tho its going to be really hard. We can work through it together lol. I was gunna try to go to amys swim meet but i dont want to go by myself and i also dont have any way to get there so yeah that didnt work out. Tomorrow is beckys birthday so yeahh she finally can go get her permit and be 16 yay!!!! Too bad she has soccer practice otherwise we could all hangout after school or something. I think im gunna go to their game on friday tho with either matt or chris or someone. Alright well this is a sufficient amount of updating for now. *luv yas alana