so and so, so and so

Aug 06, 2008 15:05

have i mentioned that the beat exhibit totally kicked ass? good. i found a book by anne waldman yesterday at recycled! it's unfortunately (for me) all about buddhism (which i have little to no interest in) published in 04 and cost 9 bucks... but you bet your sweet ass i was still glad to get my hands on it! that poem why i meditate totally ruled, so i'd like to read more of her.

i sent off an email to my old jr. year english teacher and got a reply yesterday - she is the greatest human on this planet. i'm not sure on the etiquette of sharing personal letters but i'd really like to talk about her email so i'll play dumb and keep it short:
"Don't you think Coach Lamon looks like Kerouac? I've always thought that . . . kind of freaky."
ha ha! coach lamon strikes again! he was my ap euro hist teacher and i count his class to be one of the three that actually taught me something worth learning. coach lamon rules and drank an insane amount of coffee. and i still have a crush. intellectually.

numero two: my frist day of class a short little woman walks to the front of the class and tells us we're going to memorize the preamble. bore-fest! i really, really didn't think we were going to get on well. the constitution was for suckers, i listened to dk and what have you. she went on to explain that the language was so beautiful and expressed remorsed at the loss of such wording. she then went on to say that she loved words, loved how people put them together - that she'd be standing in the check out line at a grocery store and somebody would say something or she'd read print that she found so clever or pretty she'd rummage for the cleanest scrap of paper she could find and write it down.
i thought she was fucking weird.
of course, that bug would slowly catch on with me too and i told her so in the last email i read. i mentioned that i jotted down quotes from various works at the exhibit and thought of her and wanted to say thanks for handing off such a great idea.
this is what she said in response, "I'm so glad you are a compulsive "quote-taker-downer" too. I cleaned out my purse the other day and had over SEVENTY bits of paper, napkins, envelopes, etc. with stuff I'd jotted down from various places. I treasure them."
how fucking cool is she? ms. burt rules for all eternity and if i do decide to teach it will be her i emulate. and she was just a regular old english teacher when i had her. (now she now teaches ap classes too.) unfortunately i found it pretty rare to have a teacher who seemed to care about us if they weren't teaching advanced classes, so ms. burt not only wins best human award she wins coolest human award - impressive! not sold yet? she loves the dead milkmen.
case closed. ms. burt rules.

i think i feel best when i'm at school. i think i like academic ashley the most. i'm super goddamn fucking stoked for school to start. ah yeah! i feel like learning helps keep my head from going static (duh, i know) but i really was able to learn that on my own terms - which for obvious reasons will make the most differnce. ooh, history! and next semester i promise myself that i'm taking at least three classes. and then next year? full time. i'm done fucking around. glad for the break and had a lot of fun traveling and going to shows and being a huge part of fmla but it's about time to buckle down before i'm 45 and still at nctc.

and for undisclosed reasons i visit ratemyprofessor every so often but this last time it was for buisness! i looked up my hist professor and everybody said she was interesting and knew her shit but her tests were hard, butd then a lot of people said that she'll give you everything you need for them and then there were a few people who said she was cool and all but "DON'T GET IN A POLITICAL DISCUSSION WITH THIS WOMAN" because she is a "bush hating liberal" !!!!!!! score!!! we're gonna be best friends!


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