Jun 17, 2009 22:55
Who: Inertia and Jon.
What: A visit.
Where: Inertia's Time-yacht.
Thadius Thawne yawned and rubbed his yellow eyes. The white lights and pristiely white rooms of his Time Yacht had been scrubbed several times over by the speedy child and now looked beyond the point of being new. Thadius ran his fingers through his blond hair and fell backwards onto the floor with a heavy breath. He had finished, finally. What would have been days of work in normal space took less than a minute when time-variable techno-babble jargon jargon flux capaci-babble.
The boy sat up once again, smiling at his work, and called out.
"CRAYDL," He shouted to his AI nano-bot blob, "Are the snacks ready yet?"
"Yes, sir," CRAYDL's tinny, synthetic voice rang form the speakers in the room, "We are all ready for Mister Jon's arrival,"
Thadius sped to his closet and rummaged through his clothing. What little variety he had seemed to just be various Reverse-Bart costumes. He frowned at this, as any sensible person would.
"I know that I have my mission and goal," He stroked his chin in pensivity, "but a little variety would be nice,"
He walked liesurely out to the time chamber, where his portal covered the east wall.
"People might think I'm obsessed with Allen, or worse,"
He punched in the time-coordinates and stepped throught the portal.
"That would be awkward,"
jon crane,
indefinite hiatus,
thadius thawne/inertia