Jun 07, 2022 11:16
Last time I posted, it was in 2017 -- the day I met K. Probably a few hours before I went on the date with him.
This time it's been just slightly over 2 weeks since I married him. :)
Looking back at my 2016/2017 posts was hard. I was in so much pain back then. But it was also helpful because I could see how far I'd come.
Looking back at my 2012 posts however... kind of showed me how I am still having a LOT of the same issues today.
My depression is leaps and bounds better, but I am still seriously hampered by anxiety and perfectionism.
Part of me wonders if I'm ever going to get where I want to be... but...
1.) I am married to the love of my life.
2.) I am financially stable, even if things are always tight.
3.) I have an apartment that I love and two cats who are like children to me.
4.) I am two months into what I think is going to be the right job.
5.) I have published several pieces of writing professionally.
6.) I have friends who treat me like I'm wanted.
Like, that is a HUGE change from where I was in 2017, and even from 2012.
I have done tremendous things compared to the girl I was.
Take a little pride in your accomplishments, hon. You're so much stronger and happier than you were. Just because you STRUGGLE doesn't make it failure. Just because it didn't come easy doesn't mean that it didn't COME.
Take heart, little one. You are doing fine.