(no subject)

Feb 20, 2010 00:08

title: Inevitable
word count: 500+

It was an accident, me and you. Beautiful, but never meant to be. We built our love on sinking sand. The more we tried to fight it, the farther we sank.

I realized our sad circumstance the first day that 'I love you,' didn't fall from your lips as you held me close and kissed my head. Soon everything became so forced and fragile. You no longer looked at me the way you used to. And I could hardly look at you at all.

With every second that past I felt this moment coming. I knew that soon reality would be pounding on the door. So I wasn't surprised when you looked at me with sadness in your eyes. 'I don't want to do this,' you say. 'Then don't,' I choke out trying not to cry. Crying meant I was accepting it. Crying meant I'd given up. Crying made it finally, so I bit my lip hard and held the tears back.

'Baby, I love you, but this isn't where we belong,' you start to cry. I hate to see you cry. But I won't cry. I won't let this be over. 'I'm sorry it has to be this way,' you whisper, but I know it doesn't. We could get through this. Together. I suggest this. You shake your head.

'There has to be something that will change your mind,' I plead with you not to do this. But you just look at me with those same sad eyes. The ones that made me fall in love not too long ago. Then shaking your head, you look at the ground and whisper, 'My mind is already made up.'

And I know that you mean it. Hot tears began to pour down my cheeks. You don't look at me. You can't. Taking a few steps back I lose my balance and go crashing to the floor. Everything is blurry. I here you scream. Then everything goes black.

When I wake up, I realize I'm in the hospital. I look around for you, but you're not there. I don't understand why. I was always there for you. Every time you pulled some ridiculous cry-out for attention. I was always there when you woke up.

The first time you'd asked me why. I told you because I understood.

The second because I loved you.

Then the third I finally opened up. I told you how scary it'd been for me to wake up cold and alone in an unfamiliar place. Mind in a haze as I tried to remember the event leading up to the moment I awoke and remembering nothing. I cried as I told you this. You reach over and touched my shoulder. 'Thank you,' you whispered and promised to never let it happened to me.

Yet here I sit. Scared and alone. You're nowhere to be found and the tears start again. I know this is the end as I slip back into a sleep induced coma, praying I don't wake up alone again. Even if it means never waking up at all.
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