" One foot in the door...the other ones in the gutter"

Nov 26, 2003 17:00

Ok so its been a real long time since Ive updated this thing...I guess I can let people know what Ive been up to ...

I moved out of the God forsaken wasteland known as Boston...I guess that statement is harsh but I feel like I never truly embraced that whole lifestyle...Im not into living with a bunch of people and dealing with everything that goes along with that ..I was just never very happy...I mean there were high points ..mostly the experience of playing in a band and playing like 100 shows in a year...It was a good run but I cant say Im sad its over..I now reside in Salem NH...its enough city for me and my family and three best friends are nearby...the only thing that makes me feel wierd is how much things have changed in the last year or so..some of the people i remember from up here just arent the same ...but those things happen I guess...i work full time at a car wash in Salem...I make good money and it occupies my time nicely ...its a chilled out job...I cant complain...
Also,speaking of wierd things, my old band is back together and practicing again which is a great feeling...I like working with those chaps alot...I still feel a connection with those boys even though so much has changed...and I mean CHANGED..for instance Steve is no longer a straight edge vegan ...he now eats meat..lifts weights..does body shots off of random girls at the bar...and wears sleeveless shirts..did I mention drives a mustang and says " yeah dood"...regardless I love the man..anyways thats about it...there isnt much more to tell ...Ive tried like hell to remove myself from anything resembling a " scene" ..I dropped off the face so to speak...I run into nothing but problems when associating myself with a large group of people so fuck it ...Im better off like this ..I have like three good friends and Im set for now ...i graduated high school 5 years ago ...I dont need a continuation...Christ , writing in here is bad enough ..I dont even know why Im doing it Im contradicting myself right this second...oh well
eat shit
Justin Beau Gaudet
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