-This past week has been so hectic, but thank God it's over. And, you know, today wasn't all crazy. I went over to
peacebone's and got fed delicious Italian food, ohmygod, so that was awesome \0/
-Since the quarter from hell is finally over, I'm flying home for spring break. I'll be gone from tomorrow to the next Thursday (the 24th).
-My main plan is to sit on my couch with a few Monster energy drinks and play Pokemon Black and a replay of The World Ends With You until my brain oozes from my ears. Because I need a break. I will, however, be online sporadically for minor school related things and for the
maplesandroses Fanwork-a-thon.
I have an early flight in the morning, so I'm going to head off to bed. Good luck to everyone who still has exams, and I hope you all have a good week!
Take care,