i just got back from the football game. it was a terrible morning. i woke up early because i had drive zack to football, and then abby somewhere, and then i had to make cupcakes for the band, and get myself ready for the last game. out of no where molly says i have to drive her 15 minutes before me when im clearly not ready. i get pissed. she gets pissed. long story short, we hate eachother right now.
ive never said "fuck you" so many times in one driving trip. i felt kind of bad, but when i think about it, i dont feel bad at all. she was being very selfish, and today was the senior showcase (my last football game EVER). it was a big deal to me and all she could think about was "oh my god im going to have to run laps" boo fucking hoo is all i have to say. if you cant get a ride you should have to run laps. why does my mom HAVE to work out for 2 hours after she TEACHES a spin class... i dont know. this confuses me. but all i have to say is, molly better not be asking me any favors anytime soon.
the game was terrible. terrible in the sense that today was the next of so many "lasts". it was our last home game, and i was really sad about it. i know i hate the football season, and i hate the dances we do, but the traditions at the football games are fun and i am going to miss them so much. When drumline came down the tunnel today it was so much better than it ever was, i was watching it with my mom and while they were coming out she started telling me this story about when she was on poms squad at york she remembered coming to west for a game during out homecoming. she said that everyone thought we had the coolest school, because we had an awesome building, and the students had spirit (we dont that much this year), and that she thinks it is such an honor to have her kids go there now. i dont really know what she meant by that, but i think its pretty awesome.
im not going to mention any names, but there were some football players who were getting a little teary when we all sang the fight song at the tunnel. i kinda admire them for not being afraid to cry. most of them would be afraid to cry.
^qui is sad about it.. and gonorrhea
^this picture is more than terrible.. but the light formed a viagra between us!!
--some from the symphony--
^thanks for the bubbles emma
^i really hate heights too
^more gonorrhea