Mar 21, 2007 23:23
There is ONE person in particular at which whom i hope reads this. I'm calling you stupid ass out right now. you want to do this the good ol 'southern' way? let's do this shit. you talk shit, you're not as cool as you think you are, you will accomplish nothing in life except for being the biggest waste of space this world has ever known. I do wish you would come say something to my face, I will lay you out. Go ahead, get all you stupid little BFFs on me too, I don't give a fuck., I'll take them with you. You were a good friend of mine at one point, but ever since you decided that I was inconvenient for you I decided that you were a waste of time. You are the biggest two faced mother fucker anyone has ever met. you are NOT southern, you're from Melbourne. You were never a cowboys fan until this year. SO what you have two maylene shirts? no body gives a fuck. who are you trying to impress? let me clue you in...NOBODY FUCKING CARES!!! I love how no matter what the situation you HAVE to be right, and half the time you have no fucking clue about what you're arguing. You don't do anything more than sit on your fat ass and write shit about other people on your myspace. Yeah, you're fucking cool. Get a fucking job you nigger. you bitch all day about blacks and mexicans not working and just feeding off of all the working americans tax dollars. HEY KID, you're no better than any of them. why don't you get off your ass and do something with your life. prove this whole fucking entry a waste of my time and fucking do something. I know you're laughing your little ass off at home right now talking to whomever the fuck you talk to, but I don't give a fuck. that's the wonderful thing I've learned my senior year of high school, that's why i haven't cared that you and danielle were a bunch of little bitches and decided to run your mouths, it's why I just sit there and watch you walk on by. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. and I hope you know that.