Apr 01, 2004 19:18
so senior year is not easy. im looking forward to the end of QUEST and all that crap. it shall be exciting once the testimony is over. ive been good about going to class too unlike some *ahem*. like i was falling asleep today in art and my teacher just said "poor allison", didnt yell at me or anything. cuz i think hes surprised that lydia, corey, and i go to class even though we're second semester seniors. at least they make the class more interesting and fun.
this week went by super slow. only 5 more school days until spring break! and then senioritis/prom expo is on Thursday! yayyy. i think im just gonna be visiting campuses down south over spring break. still, a week off will be wonderful.
this weekend shall be fun. tomorrow is DRC, and im looking forward to that. except that we hafta be there at 6:45 in the morning. i usually get to school at about 7:45. wow an hour is a big difference in the land of sleeping. anyways then im gonna be a good kid and go back to school for track practice, then work, then hot tubbing with the girls. saturday is junior prom!! haha im excited. it will be fun.
track is becoming more fun. i think running is a good way for me to not worry about the stresses of school and stuff. wish there wasnt drama there, but there is. i guess girls really do create drama. if there wasnt any, we would probably be bored.
wow i see a huge bug in the room that im in right now. usually i tell my dad and he comes to kill it for me. makes me wonder what im gonna do when i go to college. im gonna hafta do that by myself. i dont care, im looking forward to college. or maybe just the end of high school. only 2 and a half more months...
webassign is calling me, buhbye!