Dec 15, 2005 12:38
editor's note: this is the journal of my time spent in Mount Sinai when I didn't have access to a computer
12/11/05 - a.m.
it bugs me that a person -could- stab themselves with a cross necklace, yet I can't wear my pentacle because it has sharp points. I could argue that's religious discrimination but I won't. it's not like any religious figures have come to visit me.
yay! I got a real razor so I was able to get a much closer shave. okay, the Mount Sinai razors are single blade and they look like the rakes they have at golf course sand traps. no lie. but John, another cute male nurse (*sigh*) had some razors in his locker so he gave it to me..and watched me shave.
"oh awesome, thank you!"
"I hope it's better than the ones here at the hospital."
"well it's got 2 blades so it's already twice as good."
*shared laughter*
I haven't heard from mom or dad yet. I hope I didn't miss their call. I need to get more people's names. Joe is this super-cute hispanic guy who smells -so- good! *sigh*. I asked to shave a few other areas and for some reason he thought I meant 'crotch'. I'm like "ewww, no! I just meant armpits!" Joe, seriosuly!
okay, now I am chillin' here writing, watching some kids play football in the show. I need to get 2 more names and the address here so I can write here and say hi. I'll write a letter and include a postcard, like the "Florida at Night" postcard that's like all black.
Mr. Christensen died today. I'm not going to cry because he's gone. he's in a good place and he's not hurting. I will reflect on the good times I've shared with him. he was a great man. always made me smile. his wife is an absolute sweetheart. my thoughts are with her and their children. I'll miss you, Mr. C. :(
talked to mom today. she and the social worker will talk tomorrow. I think I am leaving NYC tomorrow, too, and I hope I get a window seat (or row). I want to see NYC from bus level/traffic level. I want to see the traffic and I want to watch me leaving NYC. I watched my entrance, I want to watch my exit. plus I love window seats. I'll get to see NJ and parts of PA, too. maybe the Holland Tunnell or something. mom said it sounded like I wasn't serious, and there was no regret. um...okay. it's my voice, I can't control that. If I sound monotonous or not with much inflection it's because I am still kinda numb to what's happened the past week and everything this past month.
12/11/05 - p.m.
we're not allowed plastic bags here. people have to watch you shave. it's crazy! I requested my last meal tomorrow to be a cheeseburger! I should have wrote in: lettuce, tomato, onion. wonder if they would add bacon. lol. I went all out circling the soup, salad...
this is what my journal entry has become?
this is what I did..then for lunch I ate this...then I napped. for dinner I had this.
shoot me now, please, because this is p-a-t-h-et-i-c. is this what 1 week in the hospital does to you? the highlight of my journal entry being what I ate for lunch and dinner? ohmygod.
I wonder if Vera could burn me a CD before I leave of Rent music. maybe find that Mamma Mia! stuff too. here's to hoping. maybe with going home mom and I can fine-tune my style and colors and go shopping or something. I hope she doesn't embarrass me, either.
Mother, put the girdle down! mother! *storms off all embarrassed-like*
she already has the bed ready. I should get my pillows from my car. and my comforter. and the rest of my clothes. and my shoes. and my computer. and my CDs. OMG. this time tomorrow I could be getting ready to go home! I miss my CDs. music is my life!
editor's note: this concludes the journal entries written while I was in the hospital. the entries to follow will be me leaving Mount Sinai and the bus ride from NYC to FL.