allisonriot's Halloween party:
14yearsold dressed as a deer.
__dothedramatic dressed as a character from "The Lion in Winter".
__nessa__ dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Dragon's Tailor.
__tachistoscope dressed as a Level 14 wizard.
__underglass dressed as a first baseman for the Royals.
allisonriot dressed as the Governor of Pennsylvania, and it suited them disturbingly well.
bleedingguilt dressed as Warren G. Harding, though it looked more like the spirit of their dead grandmother Faith.
boundeffigy dressed as a knight.
boybandreject72 dressed as a cigar.
coldkittn dressed as a Barnes & Noble employee.
corrosivetears dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Midnight Enchanter, and it suited them all too well.
davyeatworld dressed as Carrie-Anne Moss.
dreamzrhope dressed as a friction.
funkspice dressed as Alicia Keys.
jaded_failure dressed as Kurt Cobain.
judgexxx dressed as a interrim bastard operator from hell.
lostindastarz dressed as something flaming, but what, specifically, you can't tell, though it looked more like a skunk.
lunchbox___ dressed as a linebacker for the Broncos.
nerdious_dorkus dressed as a elk, though it looked more like a character from Harry Potter and the Order of the Armor.
ninarules dressed as the love child of Pope John Paul II and Anna Kournikova.
perfektdrug dressed as Lyndon B. Johnson.
pulltheplug dressed as a new superhero: Millennium Guy.
rawritsnicole dressed as a bottle of Excellevudine.
sereneerratic dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Fluffy Pizzabiscuits".
shes_automatic didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
signalintheair dressed as a weak football.
skabeans didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
smalltownnoise dressed as a rival goblin.
thats_dynamite dressed as the Cardinal of Smeeers.
tjmatic gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as Lindsay Davenport's grandfather.
transparnt_lung dressed as Optimus Prime.
xbehindblueeyes forgot to put on clothes!
Throw your own party at the
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