Apr 16, 2005 00:21
so tonihgt was an extremly creepy night. Me lauren janine and kae were in my car thinking of somewhere to go so someone said amityville horror house but i didnt know how to get there so we started talking about scary places so lauren and janine both said theyve never been to sweet hollow so we figured why not lets go. so on the way there we were all telling ghost stories and stuff and katies starts telling one about her sister being ina bathroom with no lock on the door but the dorr locks and the light starts blinking. as she is saying this the light turns from red to green BUT THE GREEN LIGHT IS JUST FLASHING A THOUSAND TIMES OUT OF CONTROL. so we all screamed i started crying everyone is flipping out so i turned around. katie politley tells me on the way up there were all these signs saying avoid accindent and be careful and be cautious. wtf?? so we get back into mineola and theres like ambulances at places and cop cars. Then there were random bag pipers haha but wtf?!? everything before that was so incredibly creepy. i guess you had to be there. but then we met up with Dominic and his friends and went bowling and itw as fun until i had to leave early bc im a loser. ,3