Apr 30, 2005 13:06
Last night i went to caits they were watching the old amityville horror after caits i went to sams house*** and we watched the sandlot i love that movie and this eddie murphy delirious show it was funny...there coming out with a second one...it looks bad! i dont like it...ok well heres this quiz!! Ill try to post later if i can!!
Last cigarette: Umm, i forget!
Last car ride: from sams house to mine..I was late for curfew
Last kiss: sam
Last good cry: grandpa's funeral
Last movie seen: sandlot
Last beverage drank: milk
Last food consumed: Cherrios
Last crush: Sam <3
Last phone call: sam he called to wake me up!
last chirp: ??
last time showered: last night
Last shoes worn: my addidas flip flops
Last cd played: ashs cd she burnt for me
Last item bought: my school lunch! lol
Last annoyance: Track...and bender not throwing right
Last disappointment: i dunno
Last time wanting to die: when my mom took away my text messaging
Last shirt worn: Edison Football
Last website visited: this one
Last word you said: ummm yesssss
Last song you sang: DON'T PHUNK WITH MY HEART!!! <3
What color socks are you wearing? none...but my feet are cold!
What kind/color underwear are you wearing? Pink & Black
What's under your bed? Dust and all my Nsync Poster and dolls!! haha
What time did you wake up today? 11:24 when sam called me
Where do you want to go? lay in my bed and go work out in away!
Where are you going to live? hopefully not here
How many kids do you want? i dunno never thought about it...maybe 2 or 3
What kind of car(s): convertable and a PIMPED OUT CAPRICE!! haha
Current mood: tired
Current music: don't phunk with my heart - black eye peas
Current taste: cherrios
Current hair: pulled back..and messy haha
Current clothes: T-Shirt and black shorts
Current annoyance(s): my computer being so slow! and pop ups!!
Current desktop picture: Michael Phelps on the cover of Vanity Fair!!! :-) HOTTT
Current book: Great Gatsby
Current color of toenails: French Manicure
Current time: 1:19 P.M.
Current hate: school and track
Current love: Sam and my Friends
1. Nervous Habits? shaking and pacing
2. Are you double jointed? No
3. Can you roll your tongue? No
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? No
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? Yeah
6. Can you cross your eyes? YEAH!!! lol
7. Tattoos? Nope
8. Piercings and where? 1 in each ear unless your counting all the times i let them shut..i pierced then 789458435627695267 times!!! haha
9. Do you make your bed daily? Depends on time
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position? on my side..all curled up in my blankets
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Heck Yes
Do you snore? haha ppl say I do, but i dunno i dont listen to me in my sleep
Do you sleepwalk? No never
Do you talk in your sleep? Sometimes
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Sometimes! haha i sleep with the bear markie t got me!!! CUTIE!!
How about with the light on? no...hate it..but i do fall alseep with them on when im really lazy and dont wanna turn them off
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? yeah
Have a crush? Sammy!
Do you like to sneeze? No cuz sometimes it means im gettin sick
Who was the last person...
[1] You touched? Sam
[2] You talked to? My mom
[3] You hugged? Sam
[4] You instant messaged? Richie
[5] You kissed? Sam
[6] You yelled at? Claire...atleast i think so
[7] You laughed with? My mom
[8] You had a crush on? Sam
Name three drinks you regularly drink:
[1] Water [2] Mountain Dew [3] Frappachinos Mocha and Vanlla!!!! :-)
Have you ever...
[1] Fallen for a friend? Yes
[2] Made out with JUST a friend? Yes
[3] Been rejected? Yes
[4] Been in lust? Yes
[5] Used someone? I dunno..
[6] Ever been used? Yes
[7] Cheated? Told i did..but i dont think so
[8] Been cheated on? No
[9] Done something you regret? Yes
[10] Can you list a few of them? i hate thinking about them...
Do you..?
[1] Color your hair? Yes
[2] Have tattoos? No
[3] Have Piercing(s)? Yes
[4] Have a boy/girl friend? Yes :-) Finally
[5] Floss daily? No
[6] Like to groove to the music? I always do!
[7] Think you are cultured? i dunno
[8] Like to drive fast? Yes
[9] Believe in God or Devil? Yes
[10] Believe in The Closet Monster? Did when i was little...but he couldnt fit in there with all my cloths!! haha
Miscellaneous Questions!
[1] What should you be doing right now? Cleaning my room!
[2] What are you listening to? Errtime - nelly
[3] Can you do anything freakish with your body? I can make my nostrils really big! haha thats baout it
[4] Chicken or fish? I like Chicken but then i like Salmon
[5] Favorite Season? Summer!!!!!
[6] Is ice cream the best thing in the world? Yes...when i crave it!
[7] What would your dream date be? anything with sam
[8] Silver, gold or platinum? Gold
[9] Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? Home
[10] Roses or wild flowers? Misc. FLower (Tiger Lillies)
[11] Silly or serious romance? both..but balanced out (liked ash's answer!!)
[12] What CD is in your CD player right now? Gwen! i was her first fan ask hayley and mia!!
[13] Who was your favourite Spice Girl? Baby
[14] Favorite Disney Characters? Little Mermaid and Aurora
[15] Favorite fast food? SubWay!!! ALL THE WAY!!!
[16] Favorite book(s)? Great Gatsby, and the notebook...there others
[17] Favorite Sports teams? Steelers Football and Centrals! lol and any baseball..i love it all
[18] Favorite song? right now don't phunk with my heart!!! lol
[19] What room is your computer in? The Computer room/ storage room
[20] What is your shoe size? 9 1/2 or 10 depends
[21] Happy or Scary movies? Both
[22] What will you be when you grow up? Interior Designer